Hi there,I am Ng'ethe
I design & develop
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No changes in this version.
No measurable impact in this version
We introduced practice knowledge that assists the model to classify legal updates based on type of legal effect
The model accurately classifies the effect of the legal notice while sharing the appropriate reference in under 3 seconds.
Look & Feel
View past legal notices by month
Review the impact of legal notices at your leisure to improve your firm's overview of Kenya's legal landscape.
Automatically processing, outlining and classification of affected Acts or Statutes, while offering detailed descriptions of these changes along with their source documents.
Lawyers can stay continuously informed on the latest legal developments, ensuring compliance and delivering accurate, up-to-date advice. This feature significantly enhances their ability to swiftly respond to legal landscape changes, improving client service and reducing the risk of oversight.
This is very useful as our current process is very manual and clanky.
No changes in this version.
No measurable impact in this version.
Our team added 2 more guidelines to improve response quality.
The case summary is twice as relevant as non-grounded LLM.
Look & Feel
Separated legal research and case summary functions into 2 separate pages.
The separation of activities improved ease of use and reduced the "empty canvas" problem.
We equipped the model with a guidelines to produce insightful case and legal report summaries.
Lawyers can prepare a case summary that adheres to the Kenyan context and laws within 1 - 3 seconds.
Indeed, the model provides responses that cite better than Bard and ChatGPT.
No changes in this version
No measurable impact in this version
The model has access to 20% more legal resources including best practices and opinions.
The client can gain twice as many relevant insights across a broader spectrum of the law compared to Co-pilot and ChatGPT.
Look & Feel
The chat input area is now positioned at the bottom.
The client scrolls half as much to view the response.
The model develops opinions using the IRAC framework
The legal researcher is 70% faster at evaluating responses.
The response has captured a broad set of statutes. I had not thought of that angle.
Access to the knowledge base on AWS S3. Changed model orchestration from CrewAI to Langgraph.
Cost reduction - Reduces the application resource utilisation on EC2 instances. Predictability - Consistent agent output because of increased level of control.
We ingested over 30 new statutes and notices.
Detail - The model can now provide 20% more volume of relevant responses to the user's question.
Look & Feel
Added a custom corporate UI channel
Improved accessibility - Users can procure a dedicated workspace to develop case projects.
The model can now understand the hierarchy, dependency and principles of Kenya Laws across multiple sectors.
Accuracy - Improved detail in the draft opinions because of an advanced understanding of Kenya's legal environment.
Great understaning of our context and the level of detail is impressive!
No change in this version.
There is no measurable impact in this version.
No change in this version.
There is no measurable impact in this version.
Look & Feel
We introduced a visualisation of the rhetorical analysis and nested the evaluation in a high-contrast container.
The user can pick up useful insights 10 times faster.
We equipped this model with the analytical capability to assess the different rhetoric components of a text.
By leveraging the automated insights. you can now accurately improve your idea's level of engagement and persuasion.
The rhetoric analysis and recommendations provide clear steps for enhancing the persuasion of my ideas.
Developed using the Streamlit framework for fast development
Depending on the complexity, the user's bug reports and feature requests are resolved within 1 hour to 3 business days.
The model is currently trained on writing frameworks and a few tenets of perspectives to create the different categories.
The categorisation yields both supporting and divergent set of concepts that enrich the writer's understanding of the landscape of their idea.
Look & Feel
The evaluation uses a cardinal framework that categorises the perspectives as "Ideas Originating from the Article," "Ideas Influencing the Article," "Ideas Opposed to the Article," and "Ideas Similar to the Article."
The reader can scan the evaluation 5 times faster than a standard paragraph text.
Extract the core idea, four different perspectives and supporting material in under 3 seconds.
The writer can evaluate the perspectives that can challenge and support their idea and benefit from the proposed reading material.
Put me on this because I like the idea of seeing the opposing perspectives

Behavioural Design Experiments

Powering design using data

I conduct weekly experiments that target specific behaviour interventions to reduce engagement frictions on digital channels.

Short IO
Microsoft Clarity
Google Analytics
🤔We think that:
Including a poll to a news update within a specific theme improves engagement within online communities
📊The data shows that:
Groups that received a poll after the news update had 200 more instances of conversations as compared to groups that received no poll.
😶So what?
Follow up a news update with a poll to prompt community members to perform a simple, low cost initial action.
Sample Size:
586 Whatsapp Users
Experiment #:
🤔We think that:
Adding links to LLM responses improves credibility
📊The data shows that:
18 of 20 respondents found the responses much more credible and useful because they could follow the link.
😶So what?
Enforce web browsing and link referencing for AI assistants/ agents to improve the user's capabilities to solve their problem.
Sample Size:
Experiment #:
🤔We think that:
Using AI assistants to progressively review AI document assessment
📊The data shows that:
8 out of 10 times, the report was voted as 'highly useful' and 'highly actionable' as compared to a simple completion prompt.
😶So what?
For tasks that involve more than one human contributor, use simple completion prompts to protptype assistants.
Sample Size:
Experiment #:
🤔We think that:
Preceeding time-boxed conversations with a timed poll on Whatsapp can increase engagement
📊The data shows that:
3 out of 3 participants engaged thrice with the topic and responses in a span of 7 minutes.
😶So what?
Expand the sample size of the test and include a control group to verify the results.
Sample Size:
Experiment #:
🤔We think that:
Whatsapp users are more likely to follow a link to an article if you precede the link with a short excerpt from the page
📊The data shows that:
Yes, thrice as many more recipients from the test group opened the link as compared to the group that received a link without a description.
😶So what?
Identify statements that resonate most with the target group and include it in a link before sharing. Additionally, include quotes in the sharing feature of your client's website.
Sample Size:
Experiment #:
🤔We think that:
Does a full screen hero image with a call-to-action improve user engagement?
📊The data shows that:
8 out of 10 viewers did not scroll past the full screen hero image despite the included call-to-action button.
😶So what?
Design the hero image to occupy 50 - 70% of the screen
Sample Size:
20 website visitors
Experiment #:

Ideation Sessions

Book a free 1-hour session below:.


The result of the session should be a measurable experiment that you can run with your team.


Designing a Research Dashboard

This is a highlight of a UX project to design and develop a research dashboard for a Research and Development company.


Externalizing Mental Frames

What if we could digitize our perspectives and identify areas of growth and more excitedly areas of commonality. Enabling Frames is a digital application designed to collect and digitise perspectives.


Afrikan Mbiu - A challenge-based community

Tribes can be challenging, better yet they can be centred on creating and taking challenges. This is my experience combining UX and psychology theories such as Self Determination Theory to achieve this goal for my client.


Unorthodox Change Management

Using design thinking techniques to improve change management within a development team.